The Music Legacy Project
Visuals created with point cloud and 3D scanning techniques for a live show in a 360° dome.
We collaborated with artist Brian D'Oliveira in the creation of a live show that represented a journey to the heart of the sacred cultures of Latin America. This show was presented for 14 nights in Montreal's Satosphère, a dome measuring 18 meters in diameter and 13 meters in height with an audio system made up of 157 speakers, used to develop and present 360 immersive experiences.
Brian's vision was to create a shamanic spiritual experience so that attendees could immerse themselves in a magical world where high-tech meets pre-Hispanic music. Our team was responsible for creating three-dimensional images that incorporated elements of the Mayan culture, which were then seamlessly integrated into various scenes of the immersive sound and visual journey.
We also assisted in capturing images with a technique that used depth cameras allowing us to generate images that, in the spherical format of the dome, gave the impression of embracing the spectators. This project gave us and opportunity to work directly on the creation of a contemporary show that mixed dance, music, software creation, and close collaboration with several artists from Montreal and Mexico.

SAT Montreal
This show was presented for 14 nights at the Sathospere in Montreal. A dome measuring 18 meters in diameter and 13 meters high, with an audio system consisting of 157 speakers, and serves to develop and present immersive 360 experiences. The Society for Arts and Technology was founded in 1996 and used as a space to stimulate and present trends in technology applied to arts and design.