G20 Los Cabos
The most relevant international diplomatic event in Mexico's history was designed by siete|media
The G-20 Summit was a crucial platform for global economic cooperation, bringing together major advanced and emerging economies. It is comprised of 19 member countries and the European Union. The G20 in Los Cabos was the most important diplomatic event in Mexico's modern history, and siete|media played a key role in designing and implementing the event’s visual identity. Starting with the logo designed by Luis Niebla of the SRE, our job was to apply the image in every one of the spaces and communication elements. All our work was done with the highest level of quality and technical efficiency. This was made possible through the coordination of several government ministries and multiple companies with different fields of expertise. Undoubtedly this is one of the most complex projects that siete|media has carried out and also the most relevant at the international level.