Mobile Experience Center
The world's largest telecommunications company has a wide variety of services including fixed and mobile telephony. We developed a mobile experience centre that tours Mexico, showcasing AT&T's corporate services in an interactive way. We integrated three Plug and Play interactive installations inside a dome:
: Internet of things: Interactive table that reacts to ten 3D printed pieces that match the different connectivity services.
: Pro Business Apps: Mosaic of screens showing four mobile applications for personnel, fleet, and information control created by AT&T.
: Cybersecurity: A Leap Motion body recognition sensor that shows the real-time cyber-attacks suffered by the AT&T network and the level of shielding and protection of information.

Ready for travel
As a traveling showroom, the installations we design are Plug and Play. Furniture and electronic installations are taken out of the specially designed packaging, connected to the power supply and are ready to use.